B.A. 3 Dimensional Art & Psychology
Bowling Green State University
Acrylic Painting & Finishing | Adobe Illustrator | Photoshop | In Design |Premiere Pro
Architectural drafting | AutoCAD | Concept design | Illustration | Mold Making | Metal Casting | Silicone Casting | Wax Casting | Linoleum Printing | Misfit | Water Color |
Wood Cut Printing | ZBrush
Content Creator For Hauthous.com November 2016 to Present
- Conduct interviews with artists throughout North America.
- Sell advertising space to artists and art businesses.
- Use photography and videography to create content packages.
- Use Adobe Photoshop to edit and format articles, videos and email marketing.
- Team with developers to design and create applications related to business.
- Host weekly online events through video to generate revenue.
- Strategically manage marketing plans.
Freelance Graphic Artist December 2017 to Present
- Conceptualize business proposals to meet customer needs and address pricing options.
- Design web formats and applications suitable to client’s business needs and highlight the features of the product or service.
- Create storyboards and visual concept maps to outline project goals and strategy.
- Strategize online networking projects through Fiverr, Upwork, Youtube Affiliates, Instagram & Facebook for the sale of artwork, advertising content and graphics.
Illustrator For Healthy Planet Press June 2017 to Present
- Collaborate with animator for optimum viewing of story.
- Design characters and concepts that produce fluid imagery based on script.
- Work hand in hand with author of selected book to establish a time line and scope of work.
- Use methods such as ink and watercolor application to produce images.
- Enhance and format images through Adobe Illustrator for peak color presentation.
Sales Representative for First Financial Insurance Group April 2016 to May 2017
- Licensed in the sales of Life insurance within the state of Michigan.
- Scheduling prospective and repeat clients through leads.
- Arrange proper financial plans focused on the client's needs.
- Maintaining client relations through follow up appointments, check up calls and email marketing.
Customer Relations Manager for Buddha Ventures August 2013- December 2017
- Manage customer relations through service calls and on site management.
- Send and receive calls with prospective clients and maintenance issues.
- Turnover units through cleaning and renovation of flooring, painting & ground maintenance.
2018 - Family Counseling and Shelter Services, Monroe MI
2017 - Wwoof USA (AZ, FL, GA, MI, NM OK)
2016 - Gleaners Food Bank, Pontiac MI